Michele Nasti

Thoughts on what I learn

I'm back, Advertising Industry!

So I got out of Advertising Industry, as I wrote last year. Aaaand how are things going?

Well, it happened that I came back. In the industry, not in the previous company!

The long story short is that I tried another gig and it didn't go well. There won't be a long story.

Luckily, when things started to get dumpy, I spread the voice that I was open to opportunity and in a matter of minutes I got a few interviews by old friends. That's the power of networking, amplified by the amazing coworkers I've had in the past. I am so grateful for the people I've met, they truly make the difference.

It happened that I changed many things about how I see the world, my life and my job.

I don't look anymore for new jobs thinking I'll change the world. My needs have become very basic:

  • A decent salary that is enough to allow my family to sustain a good life.
  • People that is fun, easy, and productive to work with. People that helps me out, that does all in their power to make me do my job as easy as possible. As I do with them.
  • Free time. There are so many things I want to enjoy, and I'm talking about staying with my close family, practice sports, going out with friends. A job that interferes with this is a problem. Luckily, the one I am currently in it's being great.

On the work side, something has changed over the years. We programmers are easily excited by the latest frameworks, and strive to master them. But the true joy is reached when the program you're writing is actually solving a problem to someone. (The fact that produces money in the meantime it's purely incidental).

So, how are things going? Pretty well, I must say! This company is specialized on video ads (don't you love them?) and I am mastering the field with ease. Having been part of Prebid, as reviewer, has been another huge advantage. This company finds my knowledge of the industry very useful, and on the other side, I am helping them building a product that is becoming more and more sophisticate. In this moment of my life I really needed a company that gave me trust.